Company "Condor"
Complex supplies for industrial companies
Complex supplies for industrial companies

Varnish of VL-51

TU 6-10-1385-78

Application and properties

VL-51 Varnish is a one-pack material. VL-51 is used to protect various metal products from corrosion. The varnish is a solution of polyvinyl butyral, cresol-formaldehyde resin and linseed oil monoglyceride in a mixture of ethyl alcohol and cyclohexanone. To achieve the desired effect, the varnish is applied to the surface in bulk or by dipping, if necessary — diluted with R-7 solvent. The consumption for a single-layer coating is 59-72 g / m2.

Specifications vl-51

  • Appearance — homogeneous transparent liquid;
  • Conventional viscosity by viscometer VZ-246 with nozzle diameter of 4 mm at temperature (20,0 ± 0,5) ° С — 18-25 s;
  • The mass fraction of nonvolatile substances is 20-23%.
  • Drying time to grade 3 at a temperature of (180 ± 3) ° C is no more than 0.5 h;
  • The hardness of the film on a pendulum device M-3 is not less than 0.6 conv. units;
  • The strength of the film upon impact, according to the U-1 instrument, is not less than 50 cm;
  • Adhesion of the film — no more than 2 points;
  • Theoretical consumption for single-layer application — 59-72 g / m²;
  • Stability of the film to the static action of water at a temperature (60 ± 2) ° C — at least 2 hours, an aqueous solution of NaCl — at least 2 hours.
  • Application

    Before application, the surface should be cleaned of dirt and dust, degrease. VL-51 varnish is applied by dipping or in bulk. Before application, mix thoroughly, if necessary dilute P-7 to the working viscosity.

    Shelf life

    Shelf life in unopened original packaging is 6 months from the date of manufacture.

    Precautionary measures

    Flammable! Keep away from fire! When applying, use personal protective equipment. The material of VL-51 is explosive and dangerous, harmful by inhalation and ingestion. Do not work near open sources of fire. In case of contact with skin, wash skin with warm water and soap. Store the material indoors, excluding direct sunlight and





    8 (495) 790-14-52
    8 (915) 218-57-47
    Fax: 8 (495) 223-92-57

    Saint Petersburg

    8 (812) 318-12-75
    8 (812) 318-12-74