ALCACETAM® belongs to the group of cationic surfactants, it has bactericidal action against bacteria of E. coli group, staphylococci.
Technical specifications and guidelines for the use of ALCACETAM® in poultry farming were approved by the Vetfarmsovet and the Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Russia in 1996.
ALCACETAM® is a light yellow or cream powder that dissolves well in alcohol, acetone, cyclohexane and water, odorless and at appropriate concentrations is not toxic.
1. Application of aerosols of 0.3% aqueous solution of ALCACETAMA® at the rate of 7 ml / m3 of the internal volume of the premises with an exposure of 40 min. can be recommended for disinfection of premises prepared for filling with a bird.
2. Aqueous solutions of ALCACETAMA® at a concentration of 0.5% can be used instead of formalin to disinfect the surface of the incubation eggs at all stages of their processing. A single irrigation of incubation eggs with a 0.5% solution of ALCACETAMA® before their incubation in the incubation cabinets ensures self-decontamination of the shell during the entire incubation period, has a positive effect on the development of embryos.
3. The use of a 2% solution of ALCACETAMA at a rate of 0.2-0.3 l / m2 of the treated surface at an exposure of 3 hours ensures disinfection of the surfaces of the premises and equipment of the hatcheries and the slaughterhouse of the poultry farm while controlling the quality of disinfection for the isolation of Escherichia coli and staphylococci.
After treatment with a 2% solution of ALCACETAMA®, the residual bactericidal effect persists for up to 20 days, giving the surface properties self-disinfection.
Based on corrosion tests, ALCACETAM® can be used to disinfect equipment from galvanized steel, aluminum and its alloys. In the body the preparation does not accumulate, does not possess skin-resorptive properties, in the concentrations recommended for use it is safe to get on the skin.
ALCACETAM® can be recommended for a wide application in farms that are unfit for typhoid, typhoid, colibacteriosis, infectious bronchitis, pasteurellosis, Marek’s disease, other infectious diseases of bacterial and viral etiology.
8 (495) 790-14-52
8 (915) 218-57-47
Fax: 8 (495) 223-92-57
Saint Petersburg
8 (812) 318-12-75
8 (812) 318-12-74