Lacquer KO-08 is a homogeneous transparent solution of colorless or with a hint of yellow color without impurities. After drying, the KO-08 lacquer forms an even, uniform film.
Composition of KO-08 heat-resistant varnish
The composition of lacquer KO-08 is a solution of polymethylphenylsiloxane resin in toluene.
Technical characteristics of KO-08 varnish
The mass fraction of non-volatile substances of KO-08 varnish is 30-34%.
The conventional viscosity at a temperature of 20 ± 0.5 ° C according to a VZ-246 (or VZ-4) viscometer with a nozzle diameter of 4.0 mm is not less than 13 s.
The pH of the nonaqueous solution is 6-7.
The drying time of the film to degree 3 is no more than 1 hour at a temperature of 100 ± 3 ° C.
The loss in the mass of the film held at 350 ± 5 ° C for 10 hours is not less than 18%.
The strength of the film upon impact, held for 10 hours at a temperature of 350 ± 5 ° C, is not less than 40 cm.
Use of KO-08 varnish
KO-08 varnish is used to protect various metal, glass, concrete or ceramic products. The purpose of the heat-resistant varnish is to create hydrophobic and frost-resistant properties. Reliable protection against corrosion.
The second purpose of KO-08 varnish is the preparation of heat-resistant enamels, for example KO-88, which are used for the protective coating of steel, aluminum and titanium products that are operated in high temperature conditions up to 500 ° C. Such enamels have high characteristics of resistance to the effects of atmosphere, moisture and gasoline. According to its physico-chemical characteristics, the KO-08 lacquer produced by OOO NPF «Enamel» in Kanash is fully compliant with GOST 15081-78, which is confirmed by certificates.
Before application, the surface must be cleaned of dirt and rust. If there is an old coating with weak adhesion, it must be removed. You can apply by spray gun, brush or roller.
Dilute the KO-08 lacquer to the required viscosity, using: xylene, toluene or solvent.
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