Sodium Silicofluoride
Description :
White, yellowish-white, or Nile blue crystalline powder, odorless, acidic taste, and hygroscopic.
Used as source of fluoride.
Purity Requirements:
Analyses of available grades of sodium silicofluoride show the presence of arsenic and lead but at levels far below that which would necessitate RMIC values based on a maximum dosage of 1.2 mg of fluoride ion/liter. If anal yses are desired, the following protocol is recommended.
Bulk Sample Collection:
Sample in accordance with Standard for Sodium Silico fluoride, AWWA B702-74, American Water Works Association, Denver, Colorado (1974).
Analytical Sample Preparation:
Weigh out 2.5 g of sodium silicofluoride. In a 150-ml acid-washed beaker, dissolve the sample with 100 ml of deionized distilled water. Under a hood, acidify the solution with concentrated HCl to a pH of less than 2. Add hydroxylamine hydrochloride until the solution turns clear. Gently heat the solution to reduce the volume below 100 ml, making certain that it does not boil. Quan titively transfer to a 100-ml acid-washed volumetric flask and make to volume with deionized distilled water. Pro cess a reagent blank by the same procedure.
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8 (812) 318-12-75
8 (812) 318-12-74