Lubricant Tsiatim
A mask with the name of the cite refers to the group of Plastic substances of the thermostat. In view of such tool is a synthetic oil, which the prosecution thickened with complex Cali male with DOE in the to price. Cite the purpose of the SMS is the lubrication of the bearing of the cache from ELEKTRA, control systems and devices, frequency of rotation which the dosage is about 10 000./min in addition, the composition is used for bearing units mounted on a little camera. Another area of application is the components of the train, as well as conjugated surfaces of metal — metal materials, as well as metal-rubber, the temperature of which is from -60 to +150 degrees Celsius.
These substances include Mobiltemp SHC 32 and O-Grease. Similar lubricants are produced by Mobil and Teobil, respectively. These are analogues that can replace the lubricant tsiatim-201. In order to replace the 221 lubricant, you can use an imported analogue such as HUSKEY HVS-100 Silicone Grease.
Tsiatim 201
Tsiatim-201 is an instrument antifriction substance having such qualities as resistance to frost, refractory, water resistance. This tool is used for lubrication of low-loaded rolling and sliding friction units. The production of such material is based on low-viscosity oil, which is thickened with lithium stearate, and an antioxidant additive is added. The maximum possible operating temperatures of the substance are in the range from -60 to +90 degrees Celsius.
Tsiatim 202
Application: for lubrication of friction units and bearings that operate under low loads and small shear forces.
Ingredients: a Mixture of petroleum oils treated with a thickener – lithium soap based on higher fatty acids.
The tolerances manufacturers Ciatim 202 : GOST 11110-75
Packing : bank
Weight : 0.1 to 1kg
Appearance homogeneous ointment from light yellow to brown
Application temperature, min … max, ° C-50 … + 120
Drop temperature, °C, not lower than 175
Penetration at 25 °C, mm * 10-1, not more than 265-325
Tensile strength at 50 °C, PA, not less than 150
Colloidal stability,%, not more than 20
Tsiatim 203
Ciatim-203 is a lubricant made from a transformer or spindle oil having an oil base which is subject to the process of thickening by means of lithium soap. To increase the viscosity properties of the lubricant used addition vinipol. Currently casulaty fat in the composition is replaced by technical hydrogenated fats. This is due to the decline of whales. Obtained as a result of the treatment ointment has a soft consistency, smooth structure.
Prices and packaging options tsiatim-203:
The color of the lubricant is brown.
According to GOST 8773-73 the product is specified as a grease.
Performance characteristics of grease ciatim-203
The maximum temperature at which the ciatim-203 retains its working properties does not exceed 110 °C. when crossing this limit temperature limit, the oil base of the ciatim-203 evaporates. But the low temperatures tsiatim-203 shifts fine. The lubricant is active when the medium is cooled to -45 °C. If the ciatim-203 is used in units with high power, the performance is maintained at lower temperatures.
Ciatim-203 is used in friction assemblies, which operate under load. This is due to the fact that the lubricant composition has an additive that gives extreme pressure properties of the ointment. This additive allows to reduce wear of the processed details. However, extreme pressure qualities of tsiatim-203 are lower, than at the majority of the Russian frost-resistant greases, such as Zimol, Uniol-3M, etc.
It should be noted that ciatim 203 is resistant to the action of water. Ointment tsiatim-203 has a stable chemical composition. When storing the lubricant, its colloidal structure is not disturbed and the dispersed medium of the base oil is practically not separated. After shaking and subsequent rest the basis of the ciatim-203 is compacted, as the lubricant has a thixotropy. Anti-corrosion quality of the ointment is low.
During long-term storage lubricant becomes more viscous. This is acceptable under the standard changes. Storage of lubricant in the container manufacturer guarantees the safety of its working qualities for five years.
Environmental safety tsiatim-203
Lubricant according to GOST 12.1.007-76 is assigned to low-risk substances. Ointment is flammable but not explosive. When working with the ciatim-203 should comply with fire safety rules, personal hygiene rules and industry standards. Compliance with all the rules makes the use of lubricants safe for the environment and the human body.
The scope of application of the lubricant ciatim-203
Lubricant tsiatim-203 is used for drawing on a surface of many details and mechanisms:
* Slide supports;
* Gears and worm gears;
• Roller bearings;
* Friction units of automotive equipment in cold conditions;
• Aviamechanical in power drives;
• Screw pair;
* Loaded reducers.
Technical characteristics of Tsiatim-203
Name of indicator Norm
Drop temperature, ° C, not lower than 160
Effective viscosity, PA *s (N): at 50 °C and mean gradient of strain rate 1000 s-1, not less than 1 (10)
Effective viscosity, PA *s (N): at minus 30 °C and an average gradient of 10 s-1 strain rate, not more than 1000 (10.103)
Tensile strength at 50 °C, PA (HS / cm2), not less than 250 (2.5)
Corrosion test stand
Tsiatim 205
Tsiatim-205 is a mixture of highly refined petroleum oils thickened with white ceresin. Tsiatim-205 is used in threaded and contact connections working in aggressive environments.
Application. This grease is resistant to the action of strong inorganic acids, alkalis, amines, alcohols, hydrazino. Also has high water resistance and protective properties. Operable at temperatures from -60 ° C to + 50 °C.
All products have quality certificates according to GOST or TU. Passports are available upon request.
The price is for a bucket of 10 kg, can be sold in other containers.
Possible packing in various containers, depending on volume of the order can establish contract manufacturing packaging from 5 ml to our production capacities.
Tsiatim 208
General description
Fluid grease Tsiatim-208 (GOST 16422-79) is a blend of petroleum oils thickened with calcium Soaps of oxidized petrolatum acids and naphthenic acids, is a homogeneous viscous liquid black.
Tsiatim 208-has good water resistance and adhesion.
Lubrication Tsiatim-208-is used for lubrication of gears and worm gears of tracked vehicles, as well as in heavily loaded gearboxes.
Technical characteristics of Tsiatim-208
Name of indicator Norm
Dynamic viscosity at -30 °C and 10C-1, PA * s, not more than 1800
Acid number, mg KOH/ g, not more than 2.0
Evaporability at 125 °C,%, not more than 15.0
Corrosion test (steel 45 according to GOST 1050) withstands
Shear strength, PA, at 80 °C, not less than 150
Tsiatim 221
Lubrication tsiatim 221 is designed for rolling bearings of electric machines including aircraft electric vehicles, control systems and devices with a speed of up to 10000 rpm, for aggregate bearings of aircraft, for friction units and conjugate surfaces «metal-rubber» operating in vacuum.
Ciatim 221 is obtained by thickening the synthetic oil with a complex calcium soap and adding an antioxidant additive.
The basic properties of tsiatim 221:
Ciatim-221 is widely used in friction units operating in a deep vacuum (from 10-1 to 10-10 PA). In vacuum, it provides low – and medium-load rolling bearings at speeds up to several thousand min-1 and temperatures up to 150°C for 1000 hours.
Lubricant tsiatim 221 has not very high anti-wear properties, so it is not used in nodes with high mechanical load. At the same time, the ciatim 221 is a good instrument grease.
Lubricant tsiatim 221 hygroscopic, ie absorbs water from the air, while the lubricant is compacted.
Lubricant tsiatim 221 is a water-resistant lubricant. Tsiatim 221 retains its properties even when boiling in water.
Lubricant tsiatim 221 recommended GOST10434-82 for use as a sealing lubricant for electrical contacts. However, it should be noted that the use of ciatim 221 increases the contact resistance, and hence the loss in contact, by 20%. To reduce the contact resistance recommends the use of conductive grease Supercont and Extracost, and in the case of increased thermal loads — lubrication Primecon.
Lubrication tsiatim 221 is also used for lubrication of contact welding machines.
The properties of the lubricant tsiatim 221:
Homogeneous ointment smooth structure from light yellow to light brown
Penetration at 25°C, 10-1 mm — 280-360
Effective viscosity at minus 50°C and the average gradient of the strain rate 10s-1, PA, no more — 800
Tensile strength at 50°C, PA, at leas t- 120
Drop temperature, °C, not lower than — 200
Colloid stability, % of secreted oil, not more than 7,0
Evaporability at 150°C, 1H,%, not more — 2,0
Corrosive to metals — can withstand
Mass fraction of alkali calculated as Naon,%, not more than 0.08
The content of water — Lack
Content of mechanical impurities-No
Tsiatim 221S
Application area: rolling Bearings of electric machines, control systems and devices with frequency to 10000 min-1, modular bearings of aircraft, knots of friction and mating surface of the metal-rubber working in a vacuum.
Main performance characteristics: Insoluble in water, hygroscopic, stable even when boiling. When moisture is absorbed, it is compacted, has low anti-wear characteristics, chemically resistant, inert to rubber and polymer materials. Operable at a residual pressure of 666.5 PA in the temperature range from -60 ° C to 150 °C.
Composition: Silicone fluid, thickened with complex soap; it contains antioxidant additive.
Technical parameters
Name of indicator Norm
drop temperature, not less than >=200°C
penetration at 25 °C, 0.1 mm 35
tensile strength at 20 °C, PA, not less than 40-180
viscosity at 0 °C and the mean gradient of the strain rate 10s-1, PA·s, not more than 165
colloidal stability,%, not more than 9
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